Hi everyone,
The purpose of these blogs is to give you detailed information about the crystals that I sell as well as information about crystals you already may have in your collection. I hope you enjoy.
Crystal Family
Amethyst is part of the Quartz family. It is the purple variety that has manganese and iron inclusions. It comes in different shades of purple from a pale lilac to a deep purple. It is usually semi-translucent. There are many varieties of amethyst – chevron amethyst, and prasolite which is the green variety of amethyst.
Amethyst is formed via lava where there are iron oxide rich veins - the iron creates the purple colour.
If amethyst is heated hotter than 400 degrees, it turns yellow - this is known as heat treated citrine.
Amethyst is found in Britain, Brazil, Uruguay, South Africa, Madagascar, India, Argentina, USA and Maissau in Austria, Canada, Mexico, Russia, East Africa, Siberia and Austrailia.
The stone is 7 on the Mohs Hardness scale.
It is used for several things including wand points, spheres, single points, clusters, jewellery and amulets. It can be used unpolished or polished.
It can be water cleansed, however do not place in direct sunlight as it fades the colour in the crystal. It can also be cleansed via a sage infusion.
Elixir - Do not boil - Immerse in spring water, an alcoholic solution, herbal tea or infusion.
Amethyst Formation: Trigonal crystal Long prismatic crystals
Chemical Composition: SiO2 Silicon oxide with Fe
History and Mythology of Clear Quartz
It has been used since the Neolithic period (approx. 4000BC) as Jewellery has been found. It was set in gold rings in 2400BC.
Ancient Egypt
The Egyptians used amethyst in amulets and jewellery. See picture of a Middle Kingdom amulet from the British museum. Warriors used for protection in battle by carrying amulets.
Ancient Greece
The name Amethyst derives from the Greek word ‘Amethystos’ which means ‘sober'.
The Greeks believed that amethyst symbolised the wisdom of the Gods. There isa wonderful Myth about how Amethyst came about. The God Dionysus met a nymph called Amethystros. She was extremely beautiful and Dionysius decided he wanted her. Amethystros however refused his advances. In one story he chased her, in another he got angry and sent fierce tigers after her. In one version of the story she called on the Goddess Diana to help her in another she turned herself into clear Quartz. The God was so distressed in one version he cried tears of wine that dropped onto her, in another he poured wine over her. This turned Amethystros purple hence Amethyst is mainly purple.
Roman and Greeks drank out of amethyst goblets and glasses as it was believed to stop drunkenness. It also was used to disguise water in the goblet, so others believed it was wine. There is an ancient Greek saying:
‘An Amethyst is this stone:
I Bacchus, am a drinker.
Either it will teach me sobriety,
Or it will lead me to drink’
Roman times
It was such a very well known Stone that it was included in Pliny the Elder's book, Natural History:
'We will now commence with another class of precious stones, those of a purple colour, or whose tints are derived from purple. To the first rank belongs the amethystos1 of India; a stone which is also found in the part of Arabia that adjoins Syria and is known as Petra, as also in Lesser Armenia, Egypt, and Galatia; the very worst of all, and the least valued, being those of Thasos and Cyprus. The name which these stones bear, originates, it is said, in the peculiar tint of their brilliancy, which, after closely approaching the colour of wine, passes off into a violet without being fully pronounced; or else, according to some authorities, in the fact that in their purple there is something that falls short of a fiery colour, the tints fading off and inclining to the colour of wine.
All these stones are transparent and of an agreeable violet colour, and are easy to engrave. Those of India have in perfection the very richest shades of purple, and it is to attain this colour that the dyers in purple direct all their endeavours; it presenting a fine mellowed appearance to the eye, and not dazzling the sight, as in the case with the colours of the carbunculus. Another variety approaches more nearly the hyacinth in colour: the people of India call this tint "socon," and the stone itself "socondion." A third stone of this class is of a more diluted colour, and is known as "sapenos," being identical with "pharanitis," so called from a country on the frontiers of Arabia that produces it. Of a fourth kind, the colour is like that of wine; and in a fifth it borders very closely upon that of crystal, the purple gradually passing off into white. This last kind is but little valued; for a fine amethyst should always have, when viewed sideways and held up to the light, a certain purple refulgence, like that of carbunculus, slightly inclining to a tint of rose.
Some prefer giving these stones the name of "pæderos" or of "anteros,"while to many they are known as "Venus' eyelid," a name which would seem to be particularly appropriate to the colour and general appearance of the gem. The falsehoods of the magicians would persuade us that these stones are preventive of inebriety, and that it is from this that they have derived their name. They tell us also, that if we inscribe the names of the sun and moon upon this stone, and then wear it suspended from the neck, with some hair of the cynocephalus and feathers of the swallow, it will act as a preservative against all noxious spells. It is said too, that worn in any manner, this stone will ensure access to the presence of kings; and that it will avert hail and the attacks of locusts, if a certain prayer is also repeated which they mention. They make similar promises, too, in reference to the smaragdus, if graven with the figure of an eagle or of a scarabæus: statements which, in my opinion, they cannot have committed to writing without a feeling of contempt and derision for the rest of mankind.'
The Celts- associated it with inspirising and fertilising powers.
Middle Ages and Renaissance
In Middle Ages - Christians adopted the mineral as a token of their renunciation of other worldly property. In the church, Amethyst was a symbol of Piety and Celibacy worn by priests, bishops, and cardinals.
There's a reason that Amethyst is February birthstone - It is believed to be associated with St. Valentine as he supposedly worn it. So in the Middle Ages when a lady gave amethyst to a knight or her husband it was believed to give happiness and good fortune to the pair.
It was a stone that helped improve the skin and protect against snake bites (Hildegard Von Bingen) and Konrad Von Megenberg believed it drove ’bad thoughts’ and stimulated thought processes.
Leonardo Da Vinci stated “Amethyst was able to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken the intelligence”.
After the renaissance
It was the favourite stone of Catherine the Great of Russia.
In the early 1700s amethyst was very rare - There was an amethyst bracelet worn by Queen Charlotte that was valued at the time at £200 which was a lot of money back then. After there was a new discovery found in Brazil of Amethyst it reduced its value.
Green Amethyst, otherwise known as prasolite was discovered naturally in the Mid 1950s in Brazil. In is now mainly heat treated and irradiated there. However, there are still some natural green amethyst in Poland, Namibia, Nevada, Zambia, and Tanzania.
In the Bible it it is mentioned in the Old testament – Amethyst was one of the 12 stones of the breastplate of Aaron (Exodus 39)
In Arabia – It was venerated as a protective stone and used to prevent nightmares
Native Americans wore it to prevent being struck by lightning.
Buddism: It was dedicated to the Buddha. And Buddhists believe that it is associated with a detachment from sexual desires.
In Ayurvedic medicine it is valued as a natural remedy.
In Tibet – Monks have malas of amethyst to help meditation.
There is Church a Brazilian Town of Ametista do Sul which is buily using Amethyst. Myth states that everyone in the town took a amethyst to the construction site - there is more than 40 tons!
Brazilian Amethysts from Uruguay can be over 100 million years old!
If you collide two amethysts together in the dark you can see sparks of light jump between them - this is called pyroelectricity and piezoelectricity.
Crystal healing Properties
Amethyst is a symbol of peace of mind, Modesty and Piety. Amethyst magnifies the energy of crystals and is a great overall protector. It helps negotiation skills and with wealth and business success. It is useful for purification during ceremonies and also reverts negative energy to positive. It is a feminine stone, though it still helps men.
Place in your home to help create relaxation, health and happiness.
Place under your pillow to help insomnia and protect against nightmares.
Combine with Moldavite, Azeztulite, Phenacite, scolecite and Natrolite.
There is a special place at Lake Louise in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta Canada. The lake has a basin with an amethyst core – this is believed to attune to the archangels. This is based on tectonic plates as there are hot springs and the Lake its self is full of meltwater which has a high percentage of Powdered Quartz in it. It is believed to give:
Spiritual peace and sanctuary for the soul
Divine protection and teaching by the archangel Michael
Spiritually it aids:
Enhances the aura
Spiritual contact – high vibrational crystal
Gives insights to your true nature
Opens intuition
Emotionally it aids by:
Restores emotional balance
Anger and violent tendencies
Calms passion
Mentally it aids by:
Restores mental balance
Encourages chastity
Relieves homesickness
Helps decision making
Focuses the mind
Improves motivation
Helps tiredness
Physically it aids:
Restores Physical balance
Heals the cause of dis-ease
Good for healing
Hormone regulation
Blood clots
Bacterial and viral infections
Bad posture
Arthritis – as an elixir
Immune system
Circulatory system
Sympathetic nervous system
Endocrine glands
Drunkenness and addictions
Blood cleansing
Helps itching and sunburns
Zodiac sign: Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces – It is the birthstone of February and associated with the archangel Zadkiel.
Chakra Association: Works on all chakras but especially the heart and Brow chakras.
Place on any chakra - helps unblock it
Brow chakra - during times of anxiety place an amethyst on this chakra. It also helps strengthen intuition.
Solar plexus - wear or place on the stomach area to help build self confidence and character.
Heart chakra - helps make decisions in regards to love.
Thank you for reading this blog post - Hope it has helped.
To see what amethyst products I have in stock click the link below:
If you would like to read further these are the books, images and internet sources I have used for the blog:
The Crystal healer, Philip Permutt
The Lure of Gems, Steve Bennett
The Crystal Bible, Judy Hall
The crystal Wisdom Book, Stephanie Harrison and Barbara Kleiner
Little Pocket Book of Crystal tips and cures, Philip Permutt
The little book of crystals, Judy hall
Sacred Crystals, Hazel Raven
Crystal Power: mythology and history, Andreas Guhr and Jory Nagler
Crystal Power, crystal healing: The complete handbook, Michael Gienger
The crystal and Mineral guide, John Lee
Healing crystals: The A-Z guide to 420 gemstones, Michael Gienger
The pocket book of stones, Robert Simmons
The crystal Healing Bible, Sue Lilly
Crystals and Sacred Sites, Judy hall
The Natural History. Pliny the Elder. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S. H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A. London. Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. 1855.
Images from: